Fuel Watch syncs with your fuel providers, pulling in your fuel data each month and breaking this data down into quick, easy-to-read reports.
A running graph displays your fuel spend so that you can quickly see if it is going up or down and there are 6 reports that are created from your fuel data.
The Fuel Watch suite of fuel monitoring reports consists of:
Transaction Report - Outlines each vehicle that has filled up and on what date and with what product. It also outlines how much was spent on this transaction and how many km were done since the last fill on this vehicle.
Fuel Summary Report - Shows all transactions the vehicle has had, the average km per fill and the total spend for that vehicle for the reporting period.
Fuel Location Report - This report will show if a card has been used but the vehicle it is assigned to was not at the same location when the card was used. Therefore drivers could be filling up personal vehicles or incorrect vehicles with the wrong fuel cards.
Non-Fuel Report - Shows when products other than fuel are purchased.
Fuel Matching Report - This report will show if a vehicle is filled with the incorrect fuel type, A petrol vehicle filled with diesel for example.
Overfill Report - This report will show the largest fill each vehicle has per month, this makes it very easy to see if people are also filling jerry cans up when filling the vehicle.

For information on how to set up Fuel Watch, see the following articles:
Download our Fuel Watch Info Sheet below: