How to Set Up & Manage Smart Renew

  • Updated


Never get caught with an out-of-date licence again! With Smart Renew, you can automate the purchase of Road User Charges (RUCs) and vehicle registrations, ensuring that new licenses are delivered wherever and whenever you need them. 

Smart Renew is available on MIDI (additional monthly fees apply) and OMNI plans, and it's an easy 'set and forget' process. Once activated by an Argus agent, there's nothing else to do except insert the licence when it arrives. 

Follow our step-by-step guide below to automate your RUC and registration purchases with Smart Renew.

Setting Up Smart Renew

Step 1: Contact your Account Manager or our Support Team to activate Smart Renew on your account.

Step 2: When activated, from the Dashboard, head to Fleet Management > Smart Renew.

Step 3: Next you need to find the asset/s you want to activate Smart Renew for. This can be done in one of three ways: 

- Click on the 'Asset Search' drop-down to find the asset. 

- Click on the 'Filter by Group' drop-down to find a group of assets. 

- Scroll down to find an asset manually in the table displayed below these drop-down boxes. 

Copy of Website Banner (5).png

Step 4: If the asset uses RUCs and you'd like to activate Smart Renew for RUC purchasing, click on the toggle next to the asset under the 'RUC Purchasing On' column, so the toggle turns blue. 

Step 4.1: In the 'RUC Units to Buy' column, click on the box and enter the number of RUC units you wish to purchase 

Please Note: 1 unit = 1,000km e.g. for 5,000km you would input 5 units

Step 4.2: In the Purchase RUCs X km Prior to Expiry column, click on the box and enter the number of km before the licence expiry that you'd like the licences ordered. The default is 2,000km prior to expiry, but this can be updated to your preference. 

For example, if a licence runs out at 50,000km and the default is 2,000 km, when the vehicle reaches 48,000km a new licence will be ordered automatically and dispatched to the designated address. 

Step 5: If you'd like to activate Smart Renew for registration purchasing, click on the toggle next to the asset under the 'Rego Purchasing On' column, so the toggle turns blue. 

Step 5.1: In the 'Rego to Buy' column, click on the box and enter the number of months you'd like to purchase.

Step 6: In the 'Attention to' column, type in the receiver of the licence's name.

Step 7: To receive an email notification that includes tracking details, please type in your preferred email address in the 'Email Notification' column. If left blank, these emails will be sent to the company's default billing email address. 

Step 8: In the 'Address to Send Licence' column, type in the address you'd like the licence to. If this is left blank, licences will be shipped to your company's default shipping address as shown in your account settings. 

Please Note: As the licenses are sent via courier, the address listed needs to be a physical address, not a PO Box. 

To learn how to change the default shipping address, follow the steps shown in this Smart Renew article. 




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