How to Create, Edit & Delete an API Key

  • Updated


When you have the Argus Tracking API feature activated, creating, editing, and deleting API keys is easy. Follow the step-by-step guide below to get started. 

Creating an API Key

Step 1: From your Argus Dashboard, head to Settings > API Keys

Step 2: Click the blue 'Add' button in the top left corner 

Step 3: Give your new API Key a name and description (this is for your reference) and click save. 

Step 4: Your new key has been created, you can now copy the Access Key and Secret Key details to connect your applications to Argus. 

Editing an API Key

To edit an existing API Key, click the blue 'Edit' icon in the left column. Here you can change the name and description of your API Key and copy the Access Key and Secret Key. 

Deleting an API Key

To delete an existing API Key, click the blue rubbish bin icon under the 'delete column'. 

The Argus Tracking API is included on OMNI plans only. If you'd like to have this function activated, please contact your Account Manager. 


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