Step 1: Download the Argus Tracking Check Sheet app from the App Store or Google Play and log in with your Argus Tracking login details.
Step 2: If you're using new barcodes, you will need to Assign them to the asset before undertaking an inspection (if you're not using barcodes, you can skip this step). Select the Assign Asset button and follow the steps to assign a barcode to an asset that has not been previously assigned.
Please Note: This only needs to be done once per asset.
Step 3: Select Undertake Inspection.
Step 4: Scan the barcode (previously assigned in step 2) OR number plate.
Please Note: The default number of characters for number plates is set at 6. If you have a number plate with less than 6 characters, please 'select the number plate type' before scanning.
If you're scanning a barcode and it's not recognised, please go back to step 2 to assign the asset.
Step 5: When you've scanned or entered the rego, select the Check Sheet template you will be completing.
Step 6: Complete the Check Sheet by answering each question.
Photos and comments can be added to any question if needed, just make sure to do this before clicking the tick (yes) or cross (no) buttons as this will progress you to the next question automatically.
You can navigate through the check sheet at any time with the left and right arrows at the bottom of the screen. You can use this to go back and edit your answers, or add comments/photos to questions as needed.
Step 7: When finished, please sign the Check Sheet and click proceed to submit. Once the check sheet has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation message on the app.