Environmental Policy

  • Updated


At Argus Tracking we recognise that we have a responsibility to the environment beyond simply meeting any legal and regulatory requirements imposed. We believe in sustainable practices and using the benefits technology can offer to increase our energy efficiency and reduce our environmental impact.

As a team we are all committed to reducing our impact on our environment whether it is our local environment, our customer’s environment or supplier’s environment. The Argus Tracking software itself has features to help cut our customers’ environmental impact – from fuel savings and emissions calculations to utilisation reporting to analyse whether your fleet could be electric - Environmental sustainability really is at the core of what we do.

In 2019 we eliminated all new, single use plastics from our outgoing supply chain. The only plastic used currently is a small amount of recycled bubblewrap, obtained through a recycling collection scheme.

Through an audit we found that only 4.5% of our waste goes to landfill, with the rest being recycled.

We endeavour to:

  • Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance.
  • Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts.
  • Incorporate environmental factors into business decisions.
  • Increase employee awareness and training.




  • We use technology to help manage and monitor our fleet as well as ensuring it is being utilised efficiently.
  • In 2019 we added electric BMW i3 to the fleet for pool vehicle use for local and short trips, reducing our CO2 impact.
  • We choose vehicles with green technologies for low fuel consumption and emissions.
  • We review our fleet regularly and maintain them rigorously to ensure ongoing efficiency.



Product Stewardship:

  • We take responsibility for the hardware we supply, reclaiming and recycling hardware at the end of its life to make sure its impact is minimal.




  • In 2019 we removed all new single use plastics from our outgoing deliveries, and now use compostable courier bags for packaging.
  • We have virtually eliminated soft plastics from our supply chain by working with our suppliers globally.
  • Both hard and soft plastics are now recyclable. Argus has a dedicated 180L soft plastics bin which is collected and recycled once full.
  • We use recycled bubble wrap, obtained through a recycling collection scheme.
    If plastic is necessary, we endeavour to use recyclable or compostable plastics.



Energy and Water:

  • We selected our electricity provider Meridian because they only generate energy from 100% renewable energy sources – wind and water.
  • Where possible we have implemented rechargeable batteries including AA & AAA sizes. Rechargeable can be used over and over, fewer batteries need to be manufactured (and transported) they also consume 23 times less non-renewable natural resources and lessen our impact on the environment by not disposing of toxic materials into landfill.
  • Lights and electrical equipment are switched off when not in use, and we have implemented the use or sensors and timers to automate this process. We have also implemented efficient lighting throughout our offices including extensive use of both natural light and LED’s.
  • Heating will be adjusted with energy consumption in mind and again is automated with smart thermostats.
  • When procuring goods, energy consumption and efficiency is taken into account.




  • In 2017 we implemented an ewaste recycling scheme to recover and recycle all electrical waste. We have a dedicated 180L bin which is collected and valuable metals recovered from the e-waste with the other items being recycled as far as possible.




  • We only buy and use printer paper that is carbon neutral and from sustainable sources.
  • In 2017 we worked with our global suppliers to supply goods in bulk packaging, reducing the cubic meters of shipping by 500% - this has reduced both CO2 and paper waste.
  • We minimise the use of paper in the office.
  • We reduce packaging as much as possible.
  • We reuse and recycle all paper where possible.




  • We collect clean polystyrene which is dropped off to collection sites and recycled into new products.




  • We involve staff in the implementation of this policy for maximum uptake.
  • We work with suppliers to improve their environmental performance.
  • We use local labour and materials where available to reduce CO2 emissions.
  • We educate employees in environmental issues and the effect their activities can have.




  • We reduce the need to travel, restricting to necessity trips only.
  • We promote the use of travel alternatives such as e-mail or video/phone conferencing.



Maintenance and Cleaning:

  • Cleaning materials used are as environmentally friendly as possible.
  • Materials used in office refurbishment are as environmentally friendly as possible.
  • We only use licensed and appropriate organisations to dispose of waste.




  • All metals are recovered and recycled as part of our ewaste recycling scheme.


 Download a copy of our Environmental Policy below:

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