If you are using Argus's RFID Driver ID hardware in your vehicles, your drivers will need an RFID card or tag (which can be supplied by Argus).
An RFID card or tag has a unique identifying code applied to it. These instructions will show you how to apply that unique code to your driver's profile within the Argus Hub website.
1. Plug in the supplied RFID USB Reader to your Windows PC. If you need to purchase an RFID USB Reader, please contact your client success manager. The reader looks like this:
2. Log into the Argus Hub online and navigate to Settings > Users & Drivers.
3. From here, either Add a new driver or simply edit a driver from the righthand side.
4. Once their profile is open, click on the form under RFID. At this point, simply place the RFID card or tag on the reader and the unique ID will be added to the driver's profile.
5. Edit any other areas of the form, and make sure you press the blue Save button at the bottom of the form.
6. Your driver will now be able to use this unique card or tag to log in to your vehicles.