Geofence options

  • Updated


When setting up a new geofence, you will see there are several slide toggles with options to toggle on or off: 


  • Show in Reports – if this is turned on (the button is blue), you will see the name of the Geofence displayed in your reports and on the My Assets page. This is turned on by default. If this is turned off, the Geofence will only work for geofence alerts, and Geofence reports. This could come in useful for a large geofence (such as the whole of Auckland) to prevent the geofence name from being populated into each stop on a stop report, for example.
  • Private Geofence – if this is turned on (button is blue), this Geofence is only viewable by users who are Administrators of your Argus Tracking account. This could be useful if you wanted to set up geofences that are not visible to all users in your account.
  • Pool Booking Geofence – this should only be turned on if you have a pool vehicle booking system (PVBS) integration with your Argus account. Please get in touch with your Account Manager at if you have any queries about this.
  • Set Speed Limit – this allows you to set a custom speed limit inside of any geofence you create. A common example of this on worksites where the roads around it are 50 km/h+, but the worksite itself is restricted to 30km/h due to company and industry policy. This way, regardless of the formal speed limit of surrounding roads set by NZTA, you are still able to keep track of vehicles that are exceeding the industry/company policy speed limit on worksites.
  • Maximum Speed Allowed in Geofence – this is where you enter the custom speed limit outlined above.

If you have any further questions please get in touch with your Account Manager at and they will be happy to help.



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